
wizard of voz...

Here is a neat little tool…this website takes text of any kind and converts it to an audio file. You can listen to it immediately online or download it to your hard drive. The website it simple and there is no sign up or login. Just type or paste some text (English, Spanish, or Italian) and click the “Create MP3” button. A new window will open and will provide two options: To listen, click the green play button. To download the file, click the “Download mp3” link.
The possibilities of this are endless…can you imagine turning text into audio files for our students who have trouble reading-or for review for a test to play over and over again in their mp3 players?

(If you get an error trying to download it-you need quicktime.)
Check it out at http://vozme.com

The computer voice is kind of scratchy but it is clear enough to understand. I also found another site called www.bluegrind.com
This site follows the same concept but is a little more involved as you need a log in/account. It is still free and still allows you to download or listen but the process is also a little longer. Either way the possibilities are out there…you just have to find them.


Ugly Betty

(Ok…so now I have your attention.)
I found a great website that has all kinds of free stuff…but I could never remember the name of it-until Ugly Betty came along!
The website is Brainy Betty.
What kind of free stuff you might ask?
Free Power Point backgrounds (very cute)
Free Word templates
Free Excel templates
Free graphics
And much much more….
As I always say-why recreate the wheel!
Check it out-there is something for everyone.
Like always…if you would like more information just let me know.


Google Docs Rocks

Do you have 2 minutes and 50 seconds?

As I sat thinking today how I could explain Google Docs in a brief tech tidbit I thought this might be easier. The video is called IN PLAIN ENGLISH-very well done.


(Be patient. Give adequate load time.)

Things to think about if you watch:
1. If a grade level or department wanted to collaborate on something to send to parents, colleagues or students-wouldn’t this be easier?
2. Several English teachers are having their students submit papers for editing-either to them or peer review.
3. Not only are there Google docs, but Google spreadsheets and Google Presentations-you could have students collaborating on Power Points and then presenting them from Google…no more wondering-how will I get their presentation to my computer.
4. Google docs also allows you to access your documents from ANYWHERE!
If you would like more information just let me know…



What a great tool to make pictures a little more interesting. This website called BEFUNKY lets you take an image and cartoonize it or sketch it. The site is free and not only lets you sketch/comic a picture-it then lets you add borders and other graphics and accessories such as glasses, hats etc. What a great way to add an artistic element to a project or a newsletter home. What about adding it to a presentation in class? Think outside of the box and there are a lot of ways you could 'befunky'!



Who doesn't love a good flashcard. This site is great. It allows you to create, find and share flashcards from K-12. Work smarter-not harder!!!
