Do you have 2 minutes and 50 seconds?
As I sat thinking today how I could explain Google Docs in a brief tech tidbit I thought this might be easier. The video is called IN PLAIN ENGLISH-very well done.
(Be patient. Give adequate load time.)
Things to think about if you watch:
1. If a grade level or department wanted to collaborate on something to send to parents, colleagues or students-wouldn’t this be easier?
2. Several English teachers are having their students submit papers for editing-either to them or peer review.
3. Not only are there Google docs, but Google spreadsheets and Google Presentations-you could have students collaborating on Power Points and then presenting them from Google…no more wondering-how will I get their presentation to my computer.
4. Google docs also allows you to access your documents from ANYWHERE!
If you would like more information just let me know…