Let’s stick with the time theme this week. There is a neat website called xtimeline. It allows you to view and make visual times about anything.
Here’s the basics.
There are two sides to this site…
1. Look at timelines people have already created. I emphasize people. This does not make them 100% accurate…but it does give you a lot to look at and think about-and most of them give sources for their info. You may or may not find what you are looking for…
(there are many great historical, biographical, art and scientific ones.)
Some of it is not educational….
(As much as I enjoyed the timeline of Brad Pitts life I would be hard pressed to find classroom use.)
2. You can create your own. Have kids do research, find pictures and facts and create timelines based on your content area.
Free log in is required to make your own, but it is open to view without an account . Students will never look at timelines the same again!
If you would like more information just let me know…