
Do you know your LINGO?

Have you intercepted a note from your students that ended with WB or BFF...these acronyms of olden days have now turned into the newest NET LINGO....with a twist. Net lingo are all of the short cuts to words that kids now use to type, instant message, and text each other with.

So why do you need to know this? POS does not mean what you might think-it means Parent Over Shoulder. TOS-Teacher over shoulder. BTW-By the way. BBL-Be back later. Kids use these in their notes, texts and in their everyday language. Haven't you seen the Cingular commercial for text messaging rates and the BFF Jill?

Regardless...even though some of these are innocent, some are not. There is a lot of net lingo out there that is very cryptic. Be forewarned-some of it is EXPLICIT in nature. Click here if you are interested in educating yourself more... NoSlang OR....netlingo.